Giving 12,550 little girls a big boost with M4G


The mission of Maths4Girls is to increase the % of girls choosing to study maths post-16 (GCSEs).

Research has shown a majority of UK Girls drop Maths after GCSEs, cutting off their future career opportunities and depriving employers of the skills of almost half the population. Maths4Girls’ goal is to enrich the pool of talent available to businesses across the UK that rely on mathematical skills. We do this by inspiring girls to explore the myriad of career possibilities that mathematics offers.

Our approach involves close collaboration with educators and businesses to both support and champion role models who must use mathematics to thrive in their careers. These volunteer role models engage with students through captivating talks, showcasing the practical applications of maths tailored to educational context of 11-14 year old girls. 

This enhances the girls future career options and  provides employers with a larger pool of skilled employees which addresses the skills crisis and stimulates economic growth.

The evidence speaks from the programme speaks volumes. Research shows that a single encounter with a Maths4Girls role model yields significant benefits:

  • A 10% surge in confidence in one’s mathematical abilities. 
  • A 19% increase in awareness of the potential of mathematics.
  • A 21% boost in the desire to pursue math-related career paths.

What do educators say?

“The M4G session has had a positive effect on pupil engagement; our students now ask about Maths-related careers in their lessons.” Head of Maths, The Hemel Hempstead School

“Changing the culture towards Maths (particularly amongst females) is one of the most effective levers we can use to improve attainment and outcomes for students across the UK.” Colin Dimmick, Lead Teacher of Mathematics, Arden Academy, Solihull

“Moments like these live on in our pupils’ memories and will influence their future choices” Omar Qureshi, Head of Maths, Selly Park Girls’ School, Birmingham

100% of volunteers recommend it

“I volunteer as a role model for Maths4Girls because I remember what it was like to be a girl and not really understand what I could do with maths.” Sophie Carr, Bays Consulting Ltd

“An alumna visited my school to talk about her career in banking… it was super exciting because it opened my mind to the type of jobs that use Maths skills” Allison Aitken, Allianz Global Investors

“I wish I had more female role models when I was at school. I’m a big believer in “If you can see it, you can dream it.”Shauneen McBirney, CIBC.

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